Big night on The Paradigm Shift Tonight… Guest, Tara Shaver from Abortion Free New Mexico joins us as she and her husband, Bud Shaver, fight the good fight ridding of the practice of abortion in New Mexico. New Mexico is becoming a hot spot for abortion and the kids NEED YOUR HELP. Join us… studiojfm.com.
NEW MEXICO ABORTION CARTEL EXPOSEDAbortion Free New Mexico released 10 videos exposing the New Mexico Abortion Cartel. Abortion Free New Mexico documented the Abortion Landscape Shift in New Mexico since 2010, in parts 1-6 of this series. These reports highlight how the abortion cartel is in full retreat and that their plans of expansion throughout New Mexico have been stifled. We have a watchful eye on the entire state’s abortion facilities and have plans to continue working to systematically see that these facilities close down until New Mexico is an abortion free state.
UNDERCOVER AT 37 WEEKS PROJECTIn this undercover project (3 video series) Abortion Free New Mexico takes viewers inside the notorious Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO) late term abortion facility. This project combines raw footage of dialogue with clinic staff and exclusive interviews with the undercover investigator detailing her unique account of what it was like to go inside of a late term abortion center while pregnant at 37 weeks gestation.The investigation also uncovered that the University of New Mexico (UNM), a publicly funded institution, is willing to collude with late term abortionists to deliver dead babies at UNM Hospital once a deadly injection is administered by abortionists at Southwestern Women’s Options, the nation’s most notorious late term abortion killing center.
LATE TERM ABORTION ACROSS AMERICAAbortion Free New Mexico partnered with Priests for Life in this nation-wide project to expose that Late Term Abortion is more common in America than most people believe. In fact, this undercover project exposed that 28 states across America perform late term abortions. In all, Abortion Free New Mexico and Priests for Life have released 35 video’s that expose, LATE TERM ABORTION ACROSS AMERICA.
EXPOSED: Violating FDA ProtocolsIn an undercover investigation, Abortion Free New Mexico called Hilltop Women’s Reproductive Clinic in Santa Teresa, and Southwestern Women's Options in New Mexico to determine whether or not they are compliant with the prescriber agreement required by the FDA to prescribe Mifeprex (Mifepristone). Our investigation reveals that neither abortion facility has the proper ultrasound to diagnose ectopic pregnancies, which is a clear violation of the REMS requirements. As outlined in the FDA approved REMS document, prescribers of the abortion drug, Mifeprex (Mifepristone) must have the “ability to diagnose ectopic pregnancies.”
Planned Parenthood Exploits MinorsIn an undercover phone call to Planned Parenthood of New Mexico, a 14 year old minor makes an abortion appointment. Not only is the client hiding the abortion from her parents, she is also making sure she can hide the fact that the boyfriend who got her pregnant is a 21 year old man.
Tax Funded AbortionsAlbuquerque, New Mexico – With our help, Operation Rescue released a video containing excerpts from an undercover call to a late-term abortion clinic that assured the caller that Medicaid would pay the total costs of an abortion at 30 weeks gestation on a pre-born baby diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Estimated cost of the abortion was between $10,000 and $16,000.
“We know that 92 percent of all women who receive a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome end up aborting their babies. Now we know that it is done at great expense to the taxpayer, who foots the bill for outrageously expensive abortions,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. Albuquerque, New Mexico – With our help, Operation Rescue released a short video containing excerpts from an undercover recording showing that Medicaid pays not only for abortions, but completely covers third-trimester abortions for no medical reason whatsoever.
The caller identified herself as having a healthy pregnancy in the 26th week of gestation to a Southwestern Women’s Options employee named Sue. She told Sue that the reason she wanted an abortion was because her husband had just lost his job. “It’s shocking that our tax dollars would pay $9,000 for a third-trimester abortion simply because of a lost job. The vast majority of the American people strongly object to their tax money being used in this way,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. |
Inside NM Reproductive Health Clinics
Life Ministries U.S. introduces 5 years of investigative research into New Mexico Reproductive Health Clinics. (More information here.)
This 3 part series pulls back the curtain and allows you to hear these workers in their own words without us interjecting our opinions. The videos speak for themselves. You can decide for yourself about the legitimacy of New Mexico’s Reproductive Health Clinics. |
Abortion Free New Mexico is an affiliate ministry of Life Ministries U.S.
Learn more at LifeMinistriesUS.org
Learn more at LifeMinistriesUS.org
911 CallsSince 2008, members of Abortion Free New Mexico with the help of Operation Rescue and local pro-life street activists have documented 20 abortion related injuries at Southwestern Women's Options which include at least one confirmed woman's death!
Visit our Vimeo channel and share our undercover video projects so America can see the New Mexico Abortion Cartel Exposed!
Bud and Tara Shaver Featured on INFOWARS.COM
Abortion Free New Mexico Is a Proud Sponsor of OFFTHECUFFABQ.com
- Listen Monday-Friday from 3-4pm (MT) at 96.9 FM/ 700 AM or online HERE
Washington, D.C.- On March 19, 2019 Bud Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico joined 9 others in our nation's capital in what is known as Red Rose Rescues. Two rescue teams, led by Catholic priests, entered two Washington D.C. abortion facilities on Tuesday morning March 19, 2019.
Red Rose Rescue Arrest Footage and UPDATE
Red Rose Rescuer's Bud Shaver, Fr. Stephen Imbarrato and Lauren Handy appeared in the Washington D.C. Superior court on July 23, 2019 for their March 19, 2019 Red Rose Rescue that took place at the notorious late term abortion center, Washington Surgi-Clinic. In a major victory, all charges against them have been dismissed.
- Report from Life Site News: DC judge dismisses charges against priest, activists who tried to save babies inside abortion center
- Church Militant spoke with Bud Shaver and Fr. Stephen Imbarrato. Read the full interview: DC JUDGE DISMISSES CASE AGAINST PRO-LIFE RED ROSE RESCUERS