By Bud Shaver
Santa Teresa, New Mexico- On March 22, 2020 Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order halting all elective surgeries including abortions throughout the state of Texas. In response, abortionist Franz Theard, in the middle of the night, packed up his D&C suction aspirator that is used to kill babies at his El Paso, Texas abortion clinic and transferred it across state lines to his Santa, Teresa location in New Mexico. Meanwhile in New Mexico, Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico contacted Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's office for a response to our call for abortions to halt during the governor's declared state of emergency that has shuttered Churches, businesses, and all non-essential services. A spokesperson from Governor Lujan Grisham's office issued the following statement by phone, "We have discussed this matter and the clinics are not going to close. Some people are claiming that abortions are elective surgeries and we are not considering them as elective surgeries. All the clinics are sanitizing very well and they are not going to close."
While Texas, Ohio, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Maryland governors have issued similar orders ending all elective abortions, New Mexico's governor is falsely claiming that abortions are not elective procedures. Lujan Grisham is ignoring the fact that women are traveling here from out of state and are potentially spreading the corona virus in their travels.
Abortion Injury Documented TodaY
As Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham claims that abortion facilities in New Mexico are "sanitizing very well" implying that they are safe, today Southwest Coalition For Life shared a video of a woman leaving the Hill Top abortion facility in Santa Teresa, NM who appears to have had an abortion related injury. One of Hill Top's nurses accompanied the woman and her driver to what we assume is one of the local hospitals.
"This incident shows the blatant disregard of abortion profiteers not only for women’s safety, but for the general public. Elective medical procedures have been halted to flatten the curve and ensure the best care is available for those afflicted during this pandemic. Franz Theard’s audacious noncompliance with Governor Abbott’s directive combined with Governor Grisham’s failure to halt these elective procedures in New Mexico are now draining the very resources that Governor Abbott intended to reserve and are increasing the risk of exposure for this unnecessarily-injured woman and all those around her. Doctors performing elective abortions should practice social distancing by staying home to save lives like everyone else. Not only will more high-risk persons be saved from the natural evil of coronavirus, but preborn babies will be saved from the moral evil of abortion," stated Mark Cavaliere, Founder & Executive Director at Southwest Coalition for Life.
Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement,
"Governor Lujan Grisham can't pretend to care about the safety of New Mexicans as long as abortion clinics in the state remain open. Abortions are elective procedures and to say otherwise is simply not true. For decades the pro-abortion community has been a champion for "choice" yet all of the sudden in the midst of a pandemic they have changed their tune. New Mexico leadership needs to realize what is at stake here and instead of placing some lives over others, every life should be valued. Babies are dying and women are being injured and there is no excuse for either."
Please continue to call Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's office and ask her to reconsider and to close down New Mexico's abortion facilities.
Watch the video from Southwest Coalition for Life here:
By Bud Shaver Albuquerque, New Mexico- Last week Abortion Free New Mexico called on all New Mexico abortion providers to halt elective abortion procedures during the current state of emergency caused by the coronavirus outbreak. Since then, the state of Ohio has ordered abortion clinics to stop providing all abortion procedures, which are non-essential and elective surgeries, each one taking the life of an innocent child. According to CBS NEWS, On Friday, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost sent letters to two facilities that provide abortion — Women's Med Center in Dayton and Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio's Cincinnati Surgery Center — ordering them to stop providing any services, like abortion, that require the use of personal protective equipment."
Created Equal, along with other Pro-Life and Pro-Family groups in Ohio, worked with Governor Mike DeWine, the Attorney General, and the Ohio Department of Health to issue a Cease-and-Desist Order to all abortion facilities in the state to comply with Ohio’s directives regarding COVID-19. Mark Harrington President and Founder of Created Equal issued the following statement, "Across the nation, schools have been closed. Businesses have been shuttered. Churches have even closed. Then why are abortion facilities still open for business? If abortion is a 'choice' then abortion is an elective procedure. However, abortionists want to have it both ways. In a clear double standard, abortion centers across the nation are staying open during this national health crisis, risking public health and safety." Abortion Free New Mexico is joining Created Equal and other national organizations in calling upon the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham (D), and governors across the country to immediately shut down abortion facilities to #StopTheSpread of COVID-19. "New Mexico will soon become ground zero for the spread of COVID-19 across the nation because of the state's abortion tourism which draws women here from all across the nation. New Mexico offers elective abortions up to 32 weeks of pregnancy, and throughout all nine months on a case by case basis. Not only are these facilities consuming scarce personal protective equipment, they risk spreading COVID-19 throughout New Mexico. Furthermore, abortionists themselves are not immune to COVID-19 in fact, Operation Rescue reported that, Three Abortionists Admit Symptoms Consistent with COVID19 as Abortion Facilities Ignore Health Risks. These facilities also put a burden on community EMTs and hospital ERs, should they have a medical emergency at one of their locations. TAKE ACTIONContact New Mexico Governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham today!
SAY: "While businesses have been closed, abortion centers remain open in our state, continuing to perform elective surgeries putting ALL our lives at risk of COVID-19. I call on the governor to close the abortion businesses before the deadly virus spreads further!” ASK: Is she going to protect us and issue the order to close the abortion businesses just as other businesses, schools, and churches have closed? To keep the abortion business open is to put our lives at risk. Now please contact the rest of our nation's governors beginning with the Red/Republican states (color-coded red/blue in the list below). We need to #StopTheSpread right now and CLOSE the abortion businesses, just as we have closed all other non-essential businesses. For more information visit:
By Bud Shaver Albuquerque, New Mexico- Abortion Free New Mexico is calling on all New Mexico abortion providers, including publicly funded University of New Mexico, to halt elective abortion procedures during the current state of emergency. On Wednesday March 11, 2020, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham declared a public health emergency after the New Mexico Department of Health confirmed several cases of the coronavirus in the state. Since that time, the Albuquerque City Council and the Bernalillo County Commission have passed resolutions declaring a state of emergency. As new developments arise, both state and federal leaders are calling upon the medical community to take certain emergency actions to allocate their resources to those most imminently affected by this outbreak. Today, during a press conference at the White House, "Vice President Mike Pence has called on hospitals to delay all elective procedures across the country to help ensure medical capacity is focused on stemming the spread of the coronavirus." Locally, other health agencies are following this recommendation. The New Mexico Dental Association is recommending that dental offices consider suspending non-essential and non-urgent dental care. Abortions are performed routinely up to 32 weeks of pregnancy and sometimes beyond as elective procedures in the city of Albuquerque. It is for this reason that New Mexico is known as the late term abortion capital of the nation. Other health agencies are taking necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19, yet the abortion industry is taking no such measures, even though they are offering non-essential elective procedures. Tara Shaver, spokeswoman of Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement, Abortion Free New Mexico is calling on the University of New Mexico, in addition to all New Mexico abortion providers, to immediately stop all elective abortions during the current state of emergency in the state. The University of New Mexico operates a free-standing abortion facility, The UNM Center of Reproductive Health that conducts elective abortions up to 24 weeks gestation. New Mexico tax dollars and medical resources can be better allocated to individuals facing immediate life threatening complications stemming from the coronavirus outbreak. Abortions are elective procedures and as such should be halted immediately throughout New Mexico. |
Bud & Tara ShaverWe are working toward an Abortion Free New Mexico where every pre-born child is valued and protected. Archives
February 2025
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