Special Report By Cheryl Sullenger, Operation Rescue Albuquerque, NM – A New Mexico woman who unknowingly suffered injuries that led to a hysterectomy after a bungled abortion filed suit against an Albuquerque abortion business last month for medical malpractice. But this is not just a run-of-the-mill abortion-related malpractice suit. This story takes surprising twists and turns into the dark world of aborted baby organ trafficking and a devastating personal family tragedy. According to court records obtained by Operation Rescue, Nicole Atkins was 24-years old when she visited Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO), on December 27, 2010, for a consultation regarding an abortion in her second trimester of pregnancy.
Just over six years later, misfortune would once again strike the Atkins family when Nicole’s sister, Keisha, would also seek a 24-week second trimester abortion at Southwestern Women’s Options. Keisha’s abortion proved fatal. Her autopsy report was obtained by the pro-life group Abortion Free New Mexico, who was tipped off to the death by another family member. Abortion Free New Mexico provided the report to Operation Rescue for review. Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico released the following statement, "When Abortion Free New Mexico obtained the autopsy for Keisha Atkins and alerted the public to her death, back in 2017, we hoped that women would be shocked by this tragedy and choose life for their babies and for themselves. To learn that abortion has devastated this family more than once is heartbreaking. We hope and pray that Southwestern Women's Options and those implicated in both Keisha's death and her sister Nicole's horrific botched abortion are held accountable. May those who learn about the true nature of abortion and all of it's consequences reject this barbaric practice and affirm life so that our community may become a safe haven for the pre-born and their moms."
By Bud Shaver Washington D.C.- Bud Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico and Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, Director of Life Ministries US joined Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust for ten days of pro-life activism in Washington D.C. from July 16-26th.
They had a blast, learned alot and saved lives!
Day 2 of classroom training in Washington D.C. Sidewalk Counseling with Rudy Nicdau, Knowing the Law and Your Rights with pro-life attorney John Garza, Stopp Planned Parenthood with Jim Sedlak of American Life League STOPP.ORG and The Abortion Industry Exposed with Jonathon Van Maren of the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform: www.EndTheKilling.ca Survivors of Abortion Holocaust has the best Pro-Life camp trainers on the planet! Dr. Michael New, Professor at Catholic University of America presents "What Reduces Abortion?" on day two of classroom training in Washington D.C. Also a German news crew will tag along to film the training and activism events in our nations capital. Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust pro-life training continues with "Shockwaves of Abortion" by Kevin Burke of Priests for Life, "Effective use of Social Media" by Bryan Kemper of Priests for Life, "Event and Police Liaison Training" with Jeff White and Cheryl Conrad of Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust and "Unapologetically Proclaiming Your Faith in the Public Square" by Rev. Patrick Mahoney of Christian Defense Coalition. KILLER BEER "ABORTION FUND CIDER"CRASHING THE DC ABORTION FUND-RAISING PARTY WITH SURVIVORS OF THE ABORTION HOLOCAUST FOR THE FIRST ACTIVISM EVENT IN WASHINGTON D.C.
"What Do You Think About Abortion?" Show The Truth Outreach with Jonathan Van Maren in Silver Spring, Maryland. www.EndTheKilling.ca Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust Washington D.C. Pro-Life Training Camp day two of activism. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Headlines Benefit Rally ...So Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust was there for day 2 of activism Pro-Life Training Camp Washington D.C.
Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust visit the memorial to the unborn at Truro Anglican Church in Fairfax, Virginia. Fr. Stephen Imbarrato and Cheryl Conrad, Director and Co-Founder of Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust share their post abortion testimonials. Campers join in a prayer service and lay flowers at the unmarked grave of 227 babies buried alongside the Church. Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust join Dr. Alveda King (pro-life niece of Martin Luther King Jr.) at the Eagle Forumon Capitol Hill, Washington DC. Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust invite the neighborhood to a free movie screening of "Unplanned" hosted by Rev. Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition on location at Planned Parenthood's national headquarters located in Washington D.C. "This is what the revolution looks like! Showing the powerful pro-life film, 'Unplanned,' at the front door of the Planned Parenthood mega abortion center in Washington DC! Let’s work to end the violence of abortion." Rev. Patrick Mahoney director of Christian Defense Coalition Washington D.C. ...3, 2, 1 Apollo 11 Lift off! Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust have OUT OF THIS WORLD down time after a full day of activism in Washington D.C. Bud joins Fr. Stephen Imbarrato for down time during Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust pro-life camp at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, one of the top 10 largest Churches in the world and the largest Catholic Church in North America. Nothing beats Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust down time in Washington D.C. National Archives viewing of the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence, American History Museum viewing of the Star Spangled Banner and the Bat Mobile! ...and finally TRUMP HOTEL There's plenty of (preventative) action out at Planned Parenthood of Washington D.C. when Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust are in town! Prayer, sidewalk chalk and awe, sidewalk counseling, Show the Truth, community engagement and a heavy police presence in response to a threat made by an abortion minded father towards peaceful prolifers. Cops were inside Planned Parenthood for at least an hour! Who knows how many lives are saved when police are outside and INSIDE Planned Parenhood's killing buisness... While no arrest was made, he got the message loud and clear: NEVER THREATEN PEACEFUL PRO-LIFE SIDEWALK COUNSELORS.
Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust join Rev. Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition for a candle light prayer vigil through the neighborhood of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. Standing in solidarity with the 60 million children that have lost their lives and asking God to overturn Roe! Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust Abortion Collaborators Protest "Evict Cathcart! Do What's Right" Lauren Handy Aubinoe Property Management Company of Leroy Carhart's Late Term Abortion Killing Center in Bethesda, Maryland Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust in Bethesda, Maryland for prayer, outreach and protest at LeRoy Carhart's Late Term Abortion Killing Center. Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust storm Steven Brigham's seedy unlicensed late term abortion chop shop Capital Women's Service located in a medical complex in Washington D.C.
Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust conduct abortionist neighborhood awareness protest and chalk and awe in Chevy Chase, Maryland! Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust visit several pro-abortion congressional representatives urging them to vote pro-life.
"This is what the revolution looks like! Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has Post-its outside of here office supporting abortion and reproductive rights. We decided to go there and be a voice for justice and human rights and call for the ending of abortion. Be a voice! Stand for justice!" Rev. Pat Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition. Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust visit Family Research Council in Washington D.C. to hear Rev. Dean Nelson senior fellow for African American Affairs at Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall and national outreach director at Human Coalition. FRC.org
ALL CHARGES DISMISSED!During Survivors Pro-Life Camp Bud Shaver, Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, and Lauren Handy (all veterans of past Survivors training camps!) had a trial before a federal judge who DISMISSED ALL CHARGES AGAINST THEM! Fr. Stephen Imbarrato said it best, "I'm glad the Red Rose Rescue charges were dismissed because of course we did nothing wrong. We are merely trying to save babies and bring more attention in Washington D.C. to the daily mass murder of pre-born children that is sanctioned, protected and funded by our government.
"Red Rose Rescuers have charges dismissed in the morning for March 19th Rescue and return to the Cesar Santangelo Surgi-clinic location in the afternoon to pray. Bud, Lauren, and I are joined by Matt Connelly who has also rescued in DC and elsewhere." Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, director of LifeMinistriesUS.org Touring the White House with Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust.One America News joins Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. 1/3 OF OUR GENERATION HAS BEEN KILLED BEFORE BIRTH NEVER AGAIN IS HAPPENING Now "MARGARET SANGER WAS A RACIST" Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust are here to let the public in Washington D.C. know the truth! Margaret Sanger was a racist Eugenist that started the organization that kills human beings for profit. Since it’s beginnings Planned Parenthood has killed at least 8.5 million human beings. She does not deserve a plaque in a museum. "TAKE DOWN THE STATUE" Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust conduct a "Die In" and "Show the Truth" campaign at the Supreme Court of the United States who's unconstitutional ruling in 1973 has taken the lives of 1/3 of our generation. Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust start off the last day of activism in Washington D.C. at Planned Parenthood's national headquarters for prayer and Sidewalk Counseling with Dr. Michael New, business professor at Catholic University of America. 1/3 OF OUR GENERATION HAS BEEN KILLED BEFORE BIRTHSurvivors of the Abortion Holocaust conduct a "Die In" in the rotunda of the Cannon House Office Building in Washington D.C. with Rev. Patrick Mahoney of Christian Defense Coalition. Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust conduct a "Die In" and "Show the Truth" campaign at the White House. Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust close out 10 days of pro-life activism in Washington D.C. with a prayer vigil, sidewalk chalking and guerrilla projection at Planned Parenthood's national headquarters. Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust pro-life training camp comes to a close in Washington D.C. but our prayers and message remain! Before they fly home Fr. Stephen Imbarrato and Bud Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico stop by Planned Parenthood's national headquarters for prayer and sidewalk counseling.
Please keep everyone in your prayers as they travel home. Also, pray that our efforts in our nation's capital will bear much fruit and that we will return to our communities with the same passion to end abortion and light up the darkness!
(Pictured: Abortion Free New Mexico and the ABQ Tea Party Expose and Oppose Melanie Stansbury, Democratic House Representative District 28. SHE SUPPORTED HB 51 DECRIMINALIZE ABORTION) By Bud Shaver Albuquerque, NM- Abortion Free New Mexico and the ABQ Tea Party will be protesting during the Democrat watch party being hosted in Albuquerque, New Mexico at Kelly's Brew Pub from 5:30-6:30pm both nights: Tuesday July 30, 2019 and Wednesday July 31, 2019! Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement, "Abortion Free New Mexico and the Albuquerque (ABQ) Tea Party are hitting the ground running this campaign season to protest pro-abortion candidates and the party of death! If democrat candidates will not publicly disavow abortion and commit to supporting pro-life legislation in New Mexico then they should expect to be protested!"
RESPECT EXISTENCE OR EXPECT RESISTANCE Created Equal and a coalition of Pro-life activist groups have announced that they will be protesting the Democratic debate on location in Detroit, Michigan this week on July 30th and 31st. Abortion Free New Mexico will be standing in solidarity with them by protesting the Democrat watch party hosted by Indivisible Nob Hill in Albuquerque! ACCORDING TO CREATED EQUAL, Here are the platforms these democrat presidential candidates openly support, platforms that they will push to enact for all of America:
PROTEST #2: Abortion Free New Mexico and the ABQ Tea Party are protesting radical pro-abortion congresswoman, Deb Haaland (D) at her town hall hosted at the Albuquerque Museum this Saturday August 3, 2019 from 9:30am-10:30am.
Deb Haaland issued the following statement to NARAL Pro-Choice America, "I will be on the front lines in the fight for reproductive freedom, as I have been for decades. I’m running so that I can be a voice for women in New Mexico and in District 1 who feel like they have been sidelined – when it comes to reproductive freedom and access to contraception, the attack on women needs fierce, organized opposition. I will be there and I’m ready to take on the Administration and any judicial nominee who would threaten our access to abortion.” |
Bud & Tara ShaverWe are working toward an Abortion Free New Mexico where every pre-born child is valued and protected. Archives
January 2025
Click here for DECISIVE STRATEGIES to End Pre-born Child killing |