By Bud Shaver,
Albuquerque, NM- The legislative session in New Mexico is officially over! Chairman Steve Pearce of the Republican Party of New Mexico issued his thanks for all of the valiant efforts made by everyone. In response, Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement, Thank you Chairman Steve Pearce and the Republican Party of New Mexico for your leadership and courageous stand for LIFE during this legislative session. The Republican legislators in both chambers had a 100% voting record in defense of our values! You represented "We the People of New Mexico" well. #PatriotsUNITED
Abortion Free New Mexico laid it all on the line for the babies and against the seemingly insurmountable odds this session. With the democratic party in total control of both chambers of the legislature and the power to sign any law into effect with newly elected governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham a radically pro-abortion democrat, we knew that if there was to be any hope of opposing their PRO-DEATH AGENDA, it was vital to activate the voice of the people of New Mexico and reach the hearts of the Catholic Democrats and urge them to vote their faith.
The Pro-death agenda this session consisted of the following legislation:
We hit the ground running several months before the legislative session even began by laying the foundation for our primary focus, reaching the hearts of Catholic Democrats. This article in the Church Militant on November 21, 2018 documents our efforts well before the New Mexico 2019 legislative session began on January 15, 2019. Here is an excerpt, Pro-abort Democrats in New Mexico are seeking to overturn the state's ban on abortion in advance of a possible overturning of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court.
And the Bishops of New Mexico stepped up in a big way in defense of LIFE!
In addition to several official statements from the Bishops, the Archdiocese of Santa Fe organized a prayer vigil at the Rotunda of the capital building and welcomed members of all faiths including all advocates for LIFE to join Archbishop John Wester in prayer for God to intervene and move the hearts of the democrat legislators to OPPOSE PRO-DEATH LEGISLATION. Here is an excerpt of an official statement released by the three bishops of New Mexico, "Thursday, February 7, 2019 – We, the bishops of New Mexico, strongly voice opposition to proposed bills HB 51 (Decriminalization of Abortion), HB 90 and SB 153 (Legalization of Assisted Suicide). We support a consistent ethic of life. We have studied the legislation through the lens of the Gospel and Catholic moral and social teaching. We stand unified against any legislation that weakens the defense of life and threatens the dignity of the human being."
This article by Breitbart was spot on concerning the real implications of HB 51 on New Mexico,
Here is an excerpt highlighting our focus, New Mexico already allows abortion up until birth. The current bill would remove a criminal ban on abortion that remains on the books since before the Supreme Court’s invention of a right to abortion in Roe v. Wade in 1973. our efforts during this legislative session:
RELATED: in the end the catholic democrats came through for life
The balance of power in the New Mexico Senate is:
26 Democrats 16 Republicans (If there is a tie the Lt. Governor casts the deciding vote.) THE FINAL VOTE ON HB 51 WAS 24/18 OPPOSED Abortion Free New Mexico would like to thank the Bishops of New Mexico for their bold and very public opposition to HB 51. Thanks to their leadership 6 Catholic Democrats voted their faith and OPPOSED it. Most assuredly due to their leadership and public opposition to HB 90/ SB 153 which was called the most dangerous assisted suicide bill in the nation EVER, that bill died on the House floor when the bill sponsor Deborah A. Armstrong pulled the plug on it when she realized that she didn't have the votes!
To help accomplish our goal of reaching Catholic democrats, with the outpouring of generous grassroots support Abortion Free New Mexico was able to purchase a billboard for the entire legislative session (January 16, 2019 - March 16, 2019) simply stating,
In conjunction with our billboard, Abortion Free New Mexico launched a postcard campaign which reached several thousand New Mexican's including over 1,000 Churches all across the state urging them to,
Contact Your Legislator at:
(For the postcard, we included the identical Assisted Suicide bill SB 153)
and the people of new Mexico let out a great OUTcry
Rep. Cathryn Brown (R-55) stated during debate on the House floor as HB 51 was being debated that in her 8 years of serving in the legislature she has never heard such a public outcry from her constituents in opposition to a bill.
(Rep. Cathryn Brown )
In addition, on the first official day of the session on January 16, 2019 Bud and Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico hand delivered 112 postcards to all 70 Representatives in the House and all 42 state Senators urging New Mexico state legislators, both Democrat and Republican, to OPPOSE PRO-DEATH LEGISLATION.
During the 2019 session, Abortion Free New Mexico stayed on top of which committees the bills were assigned to and urged the pro-life community to contact the committee members and their legislators personally in person and via phone and email. They were also encouraged to testify at the committee hearings.
Tara of abortion free new Mexico testifies in Santa Fe
Tara urged legislators on the committee to VOTE based on a well formed conscience and encouraged them to utilize their faith as the basis of OPPOSING the pro-death legislation making its way through the legislature. She stated the leftist progressive legislators have no problem invoking theirs to push their radical agenda!
during the session abortion free new Mexico documents two more abortion injuries
During the 2019 legislative session, Abortion Free New Mexico continued our efforts to document and expose the atrocities aren't a matter of debate, but are a matter of life and death!
abortion free new Mexico on fox news radio and
Bud Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico joined "The Rock of Talk" Eddy Aragon on Fox News Radio to talk all things abortion in New Mexico, the Late Term Abortion Capital of…the WORLD and to help educate and energize New Mexicans to contact their legislators .
“Whoa Bud, SLOW DOWN, we are trying to take ALL this in!”
During the session, some were trying to capitalize on the growing national outrage concerning late-term abortion and infanticide, HB 51 didn't even have anything to do with either of those things, in fact New Mexico is already known as the late-term abortion capital of the WORLD. With HB 51 DECRIMINALIZE ABORTION, the pro-aborts were anticipating the Supreme Court of The United States overturning Roe vs. Wade (due to President Donald Trump’s excellent appointments to the bench and potential future appointments). When that happens the current 1969 criminal abortion law would be in immediate effect!
abortion free new Mexico responds to defeat of hb 51Opponents of the bill are celebrating the victory. “We're just thankful that the voices of the people of New Mexico were heard,” Tara Shaver, who works with the nonprofit Abortion Free New Mexico. WE THE PEOPLE OF NEW MEXICO: PROTEST
One of the most encouraging developments during the 2019 legislative session was the connection that Abortion Free New Mexico was able to make with the Patriot community of New Mexico. We were proud to stand together and protest at the capital against the push by fringe leftist democrats to destroy the values that most New Mexicans hold so dear.
Patriots from all across New Mexico joined their issues together as one voice for prayer for New Mexico and to support President Donald J. Trump, stand up for LIFE, the Constitution, the Second Amendment, Free Speech, the Wall and AGAINST illegal immigration, rigged elections, higher taxes and corruption running rampant in New Mexico! Our voices reverberated throughout the state Capital and our presence did not go unnoticed! In fact, two elected officials: a state representative and a state senator, were compelled to join us in protest and shared words of encouragement! Abortion Free New Mexico would like to thank all of the the statewide organizations who mobilized their base to oppose HB 51, everyone who called/emailed their representatives and testified in Santa Fe, and those who financially supported our billboard and statewide postcard public awareness campaign. Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement, It is truly miraculous that HB51 and HB 90/ SB153 did not pass through the New Mexico legislature currently controlled by the Democrat party. All glory to the Lord and thanks to so many who took action this legislative session! Stay tuned this coming week for Abortion Free New Mexico's plan to help facilitate the reversal of Roe vs. Wade...other encouraging developments:
Roswell, New Mexico becomes a Sanctuary City for the UNBORN and TWO New Mexico Counties become Sanctuary Counties for the UNBORN: Lea County and Hidalgo County!
Thank you for standing with us for life and truth!“Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth.” (3 John 1:8)
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Bud & Tara ShaverWe are working toward an Abortion Free New Mexico where every pre-born child is valued and protected. Archives
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